Why Should I Hire a Doula?

So you may be thinking why in the world do I need a Doula? Maybe people are questioning why you would want to spend money on that. Or maybe you had a care provider tell you “sure you can hire a best friend for the day”. Or maybe your care provider told you they hate doulas.

I know when I was pregnant with my first we truly thought we couldn’t afford it and we are educated so we will be fine. What we quickly learned was we really did need someone with us and being alone in a system that makes you feel like you can’t question things is not where you want to be.

What many people don’t realize is that doulas have been studied and it is proven that having a doula improves outcomes. Here is some of what we have found.

50% less likely to give birth by cesarean section
40% less likely to give birth with a vacuum extractor
60% less likely to request an epidural
33% less likely to be dissatisfied or negatively rate their birth experience
40% reduction in use of Pitocin
25% shorter labor

Information was obtained from Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can HelpYou Have a Shorter Easier and Healthier Birth, Klaus, Kennell, and Klaus (1993).

Here is a great longer article from Evidence based Birth on why Doulas are so helpful:
